We offer a variety of adult ministries and opportunities. Joining a small group, support group, or study group is a great way to get to know others in the church, grow in faith, and serve.
Ways To engage
We all rely on our GPS for direction. At FUMC, GPS stands for Gifts * Passions * Service. The Holy Spirit guides us to our places to serve at the intersection of our spiritual gifts and our passions. FUMC's GPS system will help you discover your God- given spiritual gifts (your SHAPE), your heartfelt passions, and your GPS Destination (your places to serve). Every person at FUMC is asked to activate their GPS. This is how we can best be the church together. The GPS system takes 3 easy steps: - Find Your SHAPE (spiritual gifts)
- Fill Out a GPS Form
- Talk with a GPS Guide to Choose Your GPS Destination (places to serve)S.H.A.P.E. stands for Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Passion and Experience. We encourage every member to discover your SHAPE for ministry. This will help you find fulling ways to serve, and help us better guide you in getting engaged in the life of FUMC.
Find your SHAPE in three easy steps:
- Click HERE to take a short assessment to identify your Spiritual Gifts. At the end of the survey you will see your results. Write down your top three gifts.
- Next, click HERE to complete your brief SHAPE assessment.
- Email your SHAPE assessment to Sherry Lindsay at sherry@hvlfumc.org. A member of our GPS Team will be in touch with you.
FUMC offers Sunday school for all ages. We have a variety of Adult classes. Sunday school is a wonderful way to connect with other adults in a small group setting. Adult classes start at 10:15 and conclude at 10:55.
Roy Johnson Room 102 Host: Jack Davis jhdavis@davisco.com
Men’s class for 50s and up. Rotating teachers lead the class in Bible study using the New
International Lesson series. This class also focuses on service to the church, community, and world.
The Living Room Room 113 Hosts: Dave & Kelly Hart kellydothart@gmail.com
Young adult class for men and women, singles and couples, with and without children. If you feel like a young adult, this group is for you. Group discussions center around the scriptures used in weekly worship.
Alma Lee Cheves Room 201 Host: Betty Stepp bstepp34@icloud.com
A class for women which is warm and welcoming, seeking to grow in faith through prayer and Bible study. We support each other through care groups and support various local missions. We invite you to join us.
Passages Room 301 Host: Deborah Kirkman Deborah1777@icloud.com
For women in the middle years of life. We study the Bible together using a variety of lesson sources. Passages also hosts a women’s book club which meets monthly and engages our community in service.
S.A.L.T. Room 303 Host: Randy and Terre Eberly reberly2000@yahoo.com
SALT—Studying and Learning Together is a biblically based, subject oriented discussion group that is open to everyone.
Open Hearts Open Minds Room 402 Hosts: Tim Hubby thubbus@gmail.com
For men and women, married and single, of all ages. We focus on a variety of current topics and Bible studies, using videos, books, and other curricula. The class also socializes together occasionally.
Zimmerman/Open Door Room 403 Host: Joy Williams joywilliams056@gmail.com
For men and women, married and single, in the middle years.
Nursery (9AM-Noon) Children’s Wing Host: Brianne Deusa Brianne@hvlfumc.org
Birth thru 3 years participate in games, crafts, music, and videos which introduce Biblical stories.
Our young adult ministry is led by Drew Morton. We have a variety of small groups, social and recreational events, and activities for young adults to engage in. Contact Drew Morton for more information.
These groups provide services and programs for those in and outside the church who are in need of caring support. We offer a 24/7 care line, 828.702.1454, for prayer and visitation concerns.
Contact Rev. Steve Coss for more information about care and support ministries.
The United Methodist Women are focused on ministries for women, children, and youth, globally and locally. The Esther Lydia Circle is open to any women, whether church members or not. They meet on the second Monday of the month for support, fellowship, spiritual growth.
Contact BettyKay Brookshire, Pres. for more information.
A weekend experience of spiritual growth. Walks are held twice a year for men and women. Emmaus alumni meet regularly for fellowship and reconnection.
For more information, contact Irv Hendricks.
About Us: We are a group of like-minded persons who support full inclusiveness for all in the United Methodist Church. We affirm people of every race, nationality, gender, social condition, economic status, marital status, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
All God’s Children Reconciling United Methodist Group Reconciling Statement: All God’s Children is a group of Reconciling United Methodists at First UMC of Hendersonville NC, Western North Carolina Annual Conference. We welcome and affirm people of every race, nationality, gender, social condition, economic status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, age, or previous faith experience. We will pursue justice for those who have been marginalized or put at risk as the result of the policies and actions of our nation and our denomination. We will promote full inclusion of our LGBTQ+ siblings in all aspects of ministry, ordination, and marriage. We will be enablers, not obstacles, to those seeking to respond to the love of God, the grace of Christ, and the call to serve in mission and ministry. We will work within the UMC to advocate for full inclusion of all those called to follow Christ and serve as clergy, and we will work on behalf of those seeking social justice by advocating for change in governmental and denominational policies and doctrine as necessary. We will do so by living out our faith through prayer, advocacy, and action at all organizational levels of government and church so that all may find a home marked by the gracious welcoming and inclusion of all in the unified Body of Christ.
Facebook Page: All God's Children Reconciling Community of First UMC Hendersonville
FUMC is excited to offer multiple ministries for men looking to connect with others and grow in faith.
- Men’s Breakfast Meets the 1st Tuesday of every month in the Roy Johnson Classroom from 9:00-10:30 am for a time of food, fellowship, and devotion.
- Tuesday Night Hoops Join us Tuesday nights at 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Drop on in and play. No sign ups required. Any skill level is welcomed.
- Men’s Bible Study Join us on the last Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm in the Gettman Room for a time of fellowship, study, and prayer.
- Men’s Service Opportunities Join us Saturday mornings for breakfast and service in the community. We are currently assisting with renovations for Aura Home, a local organization that serves homeless women Veterans.
For more information about our current Men’s Group contact Erinyow@hvlfumc.org, to learn more about our men's Prayer and Fellowship Group contact stevecoss@hvlfumc.org.
OUR WALK is a FUMC small group that meets to experience local labyrinths including ours at FUMC, share resources, and talk about those experiences. If this interests you, please contact Karen Appleby at spiritquest@gmail.com
Watch this videos about how to do a labyrinth prayer walk
Karen Appleby
Creation Care within the United Methodist Church manifests itself in several ways. The three chief components are: the Western NC Conference Creation Care Ministry, UMC Earthkeepers, and the UMC Creation Justice Movement. A brief description of each can be found below, along with links to websites with more information.Contact Joe Donoghue (jfdonoghue1@gmail.com), UMC Earthkeeper, for more information on participating in a creation care ministry.
The ministry promotes the development of creation-care ministries and “Green Teams” in WNCC congregations. The website provides materials for this purpose, along with various other creation-care materials. Currently about 10% of the churches in the conference have Creation Care ministries. In-person training for creation-care ministries are being held for each WNCC district during 2024, led by Rev. Jarrod Davis, the Creation Ministries Coordinator for the both of the North Carolina conferences. The training dates and locations will be announced on the WNCC Creation Care website. If interested, fill in the registration notice when it is posted.
Earthkeepers is a national organization which is part of UMC Global Ministries. It is a training and incubator program that provides a mechanism for United Methodists to develop and grow environmental projects in their congregations and communities. Topics include eco-theology, antiracism, community organizing and environmental project planning. All participants plan a project during the training. The organization also has a grant program for Earthkeepers to apply for assistance with creation-care projects. UMC Earthkeepers has training sessions each year. The next one is in October 2024. Applications and information can be found on the website.
This organization is part of UMC Global Ministries. Its purpose is to promote environmental justice and care for creation. They provide worship resources for Creation Care, with materials for use in Creation-Justice-related services. The organization sponsors a monthly Movement Café online, with a speaker. The Creation Justice Movement also encourages the development of “Green Teams” in each congregation, to promote action in worship, education, practice and advocacy. A Green Team resolution that was submitted to the General Conference is described here.Note that the recent UMC General Conference in Charlotte approved several climate justice resolutions. These include: establishing a Caretaker of God’s Creation Coordinator in each conference; encouraging each congregation to establish a Green Team; calling on churches to support legislative and policy efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to and beyond zero emissions; and encouraging churches to conduct annual audits of the carbon footprint of their facilities. The resolution for the denomination to divest from fossil fuels was tabled, and will come up again. The petition can still be signed here.