Church Calendar


  • The Bible Year

    This week we finish Deuteronomy and read the book of Joshua. Joshua is commissioned by Moses to lead the people into the Promised Land. He leads them across the Jordan River, collapses the walls of Jericho and destroys wicked kings, people and pagan practices as they go. There are definitely a lot of battles in the book and courage in the face of enemies is certainly a major theme. But as the author of “The Bible Year” points out “…courage must be tempered with good judgment and especially by faithfulness and humility…God calls us in Joshua to face our future without fear, not so that we may conquer, but so that we may obey and follow God without reservation.”

    Haven’t bought your book yet? Here are the 8th week’s readings. And feel free to start this week if you want to be a part of this exciting journey.

    Days 50-56

    February 24 Deuteronomy 31:1-34:12

    February 25 Joshua 1:1-3:17

    February 26 Joshua 4:1-6:27

    February 27 Joshua 7:1-11:23

    February 28 Joshua 12:1-17:18

    March 1 Joshua18:1-24:33

    March 2 Judges 1:1-3:6

    The book is available from Amazon or Cokesbury.

  • Men's Prayer Breakfast

    Men will meet the first Tuesday of each month for breakfast, fellowship, and time for prayer in the Gettman Room from 9:00 am - 10:30 am. Reservations are not required.

  • Rooted In Faith Community Garden

    Spring will be here soon, and the garden will be starting its 9th season! Please consider supporting this wonderful ministry by becoming a member of the garden team. We support local agencies who help people in need. Our season is April to October. Work days are Wednesdays and Saturdays (10 to noon in Spring/9 to 11 in Summer) as you are available. For more information or to join, contact Robin Corbin at or 828-329-5387.

  • Tekoa Scholarships 2025

    First Kids + One Youth is excited to offer scholarships to Camp Tekoa for summer 2025! We want all kids to have the opportunity to connect with God and friends through His beautiful creation! Camp Tekoa is located in Hendersonville and affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Week-long overnight/day camp experiences are offered to elementary through high school students.

    Find The Form Here


    This February we will have our fourth DIAPER DRIVE to show our LOVE for the young children of Henderson County by donating diapers and wipes to support the Children & Family Resource Center diaper distribution program. Our goal again this year is 12,000 diapers. Each year we have surpassed our goal and FUMC can do it again this year!

    The need this year is for SIZES 6 and 7 and 4/5T, so please purchase these sizes when you shop.

  • Ready to Become a New Member of FUMC? You're Invited to Lunch With the Pastor

    New Member Sundays are coming up on March 9 and 16. If you have been visiting FUMC and are ready to become a member, you're invited to have lunch with the Pastors on Sunday, March 2nd at 12:30 in the Gettman Room. Chef Coe will be serving her famous Jambalaya. Learn more about First United Methodist Church, how to get connected and involved, and what it means to be a member of this wonderful faith community. Childcare will be provided by reservation. Make your lunch reservation here.

  • Hiking Church February 23rd

    Join us each month for a time of fellowship as we connect with God and others in nature. Hikes are accessible for people of all ages: Bring non-church friends with you. Meet at FUMC at 2:00 pm to carpool to the hiking destination.

    This month we will be going to Bell Park, a new 1.8 mile moderate hike near Saluda on the Green River.

    Sign Up Here

  • SAVE THE DATE for First Kids Camp 2025!

    June 23-25 from 9:30 AM-12:00 PM

    Four years - upcoming sixth grade

Curbside Cafe

The Fall/ Winter Curbside Cafe' menu is here: To Order Or Learn About  The Menu call 828.693.4275 

Family Size $25, 2 Person $15, Soup Quart $15 Pickup is Wednesday and Thursday 9 AM to 4PM

First United Methodist Church 204 6th Avenue West,

Hendersonville, North Carolina